Sunday, December 9, 2007

P!MPED skate deck keyboard

K ..I just had the idea of instead of just copying text from a keyboard's actual settings I could use funny ones like P!mp, word, PWN, 1337 ..etc. and it would appeal to a more hip hop or internet crowd than just someone who skates and likes piano. XD

Here's what I have so far...some of the dials and the ebony keys still need work. I might add more words than just the four shown here.

Lets see what else have I been doing... lots of things. I did some thumbnails on post-its for the sculpture and I think I'll have the larger rabbit sitting down so I won't need to have the block of wood to keep it upright. Hopefully when I bake it tonight it won't get destroyed.

There's a lot of pics I took a while ago when I went on break and thought I had to take pics of a toy doing funny things. I'll post some more later to flickr when I resize them in Adobe Bridge but here's a few.

Rockets are quite possibly the best candy ever!

Just playing games.

A meal that didn't look as good as it tasted.

Every now and then I like to play with my artwork creating something else out of it..this here is a photo I took that I duplicated and altered one so it makes a magic eye like puzzle when you cross your eyes at it for long enough.

Chapter of my psychology text which I'll be studying a lot from until the exam Tuesday.

Sorry for the teddy lovers and legitimately depressed people... but last sketch I did from an idea I had in sketching class is EMO Bear. The name is almost self explanatory. It's a mock emo teddy that is dressed in stereotypical-? emo attire with lip ring single tear and comes with his own fraudulent suicide note and in place of razor blades a nifty seam ripper! :O Oh noes! This will be an im-popular toy idea that only certain people would get and would probably be pulled off store shelves. ..oh and possibly also including a little pill bottle labeled "needless anti-depressants".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The stitch ripper is funny! Black funny, but still I laughed.