Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Oddly Fall Tour Interactive 5

Something I'm excited about attending this Thursday and Friday is a tour and networking after party that I'd like to share with anyone interested in new and interactive media.  Oddly Studios is holding it's 5th annual Fall Tour of interactive studios throughout Toronto.  This sometimes includes presentations from some studios outside of Toronto.  It is a walking tour around some areas of Toronto where the best studios are clustered.  This is an excellent opportunity to see what studios are like from the inside, network with industry leaders, ask questions about what they look for in new hires.

This year they've expanded it to two days for more coverage.  The attendance though primarily students in related areas it is open for anyone interested.  In previous years the tour had registration fill up almost as soon as it opened because of it's high profile but this year with affordable price there are some spots left as yet.  Tickets can be purchased here:  http://falltourinteractive.eventbrite.com/

More information including video from previous years can be found on the tour's facebook fan page here: 

and my first blog about the event in 2007 here:


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