Saturday, October 6, 2007

Studio tour and etc.

On Friday there were tours of some of the busiest studios in Toronto and for the first time students were able to see where they may end up after graduation and network a bit. The tours started from FITC. A rather obscure looking building that you wouldn't know was there if you weren't looking for it. They gave us free stuff like calendars and buttons...yay cool free stuff! I had the best cream puff ever at lunch and then watched people falling asleep during a presentation.
Most of the studios looked like places I wouldn't mind working. Some of them had a lot of toys and looked like relaxed places to work. All the studios on the tour were Organic, Henderson Bas, Blast Radius, Teehan+Lax and Critical Mass.

The washrooms in the FITC building were rather odd. Almost thought it was part of their design concept.

It was interesting to see how some people at the studios think. I think this was drawings of their lunch...made me hungry.

We saw some interesting things that weren't part of the tour too. Some things I thought might be good creative reference for later.The sewing theme on this corner attracted our attention too.

I thought this ad was cute so I saved it for future reference.

After the tour I browsed downtown for a bit. There was a guy balancing bricks in seemingly impossible ways. Saw him finishing one of his little towers.

We saw some neat looking milk ads in the subway and street cars. Here's a milk ad "pouring" out of it's holder. lol I went to Silver Snail and bought a book about Dr. Seuss and a new toy for sketching class. Lastly I tried some unique ice cream flavors at Greg's Ice Cream and would recommend to anyone. I tried Ginger, Roasted Marshmallow and Coffee Toffee. The flavors taste like the name literally!

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